GIDEON: Global Infectious Disease and Epidemiology Online Network

A 20 year old man travels to the far east following Army service. Starting in Thailand, he continues on to Mongolia…and suddenly becomes extremely ill with fever, cough with bloody sputum (hemoptysis) and enlarged lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy) in his groin. He recalls that ‘rats’ had entered his tent while he was camping in Mongolia. On admission to hospital, he is found to have fever, a lung infiltrate (pneumonia) and large lymph glands as described. There is no rash. His white blood count is elevated, and there is no thrombocytopenia. Culture of his sputum and blood reveals a facultative gram-negative bacillus.

GIDEON (Global Infectious Diseases and EpidemiOlogy Network) is a web application for diagnosis, simulation and informatics in the fields of Geographic Medicine and Infectious Diseases, and Clinical Microbiology.

Learn how to diagnose the ‘Mongolian Mystery Bug' using GIDEON’s web tutorials.
