Global Plants

Studying Ecology, Botany, or just interested in plants? If you’re not already using Global Plants, you should be!

Global Plants is a veritable treasure trove for anyone involved in botany, ecology, or conservation studies. The database is comprised of over two million plant type specimens, 160,000+ partner contributed reference works and collectors' diaries, and over 20,000 paintings, drawings, and photographs.

Find collections such as the Drawings of the Royal Botanical Expedition to the Viceroyalty of Peru, discover sketches and watercolours from Cook’s first expedition aboard the HMS Endeavor in the Cook First Voyage Artwork Collection, check out the Economic Botany Collection, Kew, containing examples of anthropogenically useful parts of plants, and browse collections of flora by country or region, such as the New Caledonia and Vanuatu plants collection.

JSTOR has recently added a free, public Global Plants LibGuide. Find out what Global Plants is all about, get quick, easy access to what’s new on the platform, read about features and learn how to use the site, and even search for plant specimens from within the LibGuide itself.

Global Plants is a valuable resource for all those interested in, studying, or researching plants. Make sure you're not missing out on all it has to offer and check it out today!
