52 Book Challenge - Week 44

Science! It's a noun! Although the cool kids these days try to use it as a verb.

Can you "science the heck out of" something?

Maybe you can. Who knows if you should?

But "read" is definitely a verb, and this week we're challenging you to read about science in this week's Reading Challenge, which is:

44. A Book About Science.

Where would you find such a book? Well, the 500s are all about sciences in their natural state, and the 600s are all about applied science. Just to make life interesting, you'll find computer science and informtion science in the 000s, the social sciences in the 300s, applied science to do with languages in the 400s and geography up in the 900s (although that's more of an artform 😉).

The Dewey Summaries are broken down even further here. You can take a scientific approach to it, or just pick a topic that interests you, find the section that's right and go for a bit of a wander.

Have you missed out on hearing about the 52 Book Challenge? Catch up here.
