Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure: JCU Kicking (Sustainable Development) Goals

UN SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Never underestimate the impact of good infrastructure. The United Nations has recognised the importance of infrastructure with their ninth Sustainable Development Goal:

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

Resilient and intelligently designed transport, manufacturing and communication go hand-in-hand with a focus on research and development to create a better, more equitable, more environmentally friendly future.

The Cairns Institute has recently published a report looking into connectivity and infrastructure in the agricultural communities in Queensland's far north.

They found (among other things) that communications services in regional areas suffered connection and congestion issues, that critical operations rely on service that might not be reliable, and that people in rural communities have a tendency to subscribe to several telecommunications options (in the hope that one will work when the others fail) at considerable cost.

This report has made several important recommendations for governments at the State and Federal level, and is a must read for any minister whose portfolio touches on telecommunications, industry education or health.

Marshall A, Dale A, Babacan H, Dezuanni M. Connectivity and Digital Inclusion in Far North Queensland's Agricultural Communities: Policy-Focused Report. Cairns, Australia: The Cairns Institute, James Cook University; 2019.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
