It’s Storytime, Anytime!

Story Box Library provides access to over 300 high-quality videos of stories being read aloud by a diverse range of storytellers. Stories are selected for their connections to the Australian Curriculum and come with tailored classroom ideas such as discussion questions and activities to help connect children to the themes of each story. Combine, adapt, simplify, or extend these ideas to tailor your teaching and learning activities!
  • Over 300 stories available
  • New stories added every week throughout school terms 
  • Focus on local stories and voices
  • Stories read by actors, comedians, sports people, musicians, artists, authors, children and more 
  • Closed captions available 
  • Auslan translations coming soon! 

 “The ability to engage in meaningful shared reading with young children, 
 using quality literature, [is] an essential skill for an early childhood teacher.”
