Reading Challenge - April: “Religion and Philosophy”

We're four months into the 2019 Reading Challenge, and it's time to get deep and philosophical.

The theme for April is "Religion and Philosophy", which gives you a good reason to raid the 100s (Philosophy & Psychology) and 200s (Religion). If you've never been down that end of the library, you're in for a treat - it's fascinating territory.

But let's not forget that, for our Reading Challenge, you also have to fit in a work of fiction. So you just may have to track down some novels with religious themes, or perhaps some philosophical fiction - or maybe even some books written by philosophers?

I've you've been looking for a good excuse to read Atlas Shrugged or Utopia, now's your chance! Or you could just take the opportunity to re-read the Chronicles of Narnia (fun fact: we have the Chronicles of Narnia in French, German and Italian - and, of course, in English).

In case you've forgotten, the challenge is to read as many books as you can that "fit" the theme (exactly how they fit the theme is open to interpretation). In doing so you must also:
  • Read a book of fiction
  • Read a book of non-fiction
  • Read a book by an author you haven't read before
  • Read a book by an Australian author 
(Yes, you can double up - one book might fit multiple categories).
Oh, and for April we have a bonus challenge (for people who love to be challenged): 
  • Read a book about a religion or philosopher you've heard about, but never explored.
Let the fun begin!
