A Reading Challenge for 2019

We had such a great time playing with Hannah Braime's 52 Book Reading Challenge last year that we thought we'd try another Reading Challenge for 2019.

Read As Many Books As You Can

This year, we're not challenging you to read 52 books, we're challenging you to read as many books as you can each month. You may have some months where you read 4 or 5 books, and other months where you can only fit in 2. That's okay. You might end up reading more than 52 books over all.

Each month we'll be giving you a theme, and you have to try find books that fit within that theme. You can be creative - for example, if the theme is "Geography and Travel", you can read a novel set in a country you'd like to visit, the diary of an explorer and a book with the word "Geography" in the title (like this one). You get to decide how your books fit the theme.

Minimum Requirements

It's not much of a challenge if we don't give you a few hoops to jump though. So each month, you have the following minimum requirements:

1. You must read at least one book by an Australian author
2. You must read at least one book by an author you haven't read before
3. You must read at least one fiction book
4. You must read at least one non-fiction book

You can double up on these. You might find a non-fiction book by an Australian author you've never read before. Then you only need to find a fiction book, and you've met the minimum requirements.

Displays and Reviews

We'll be putting together book displays and review for each month, going along with the themes, but we'd love to have your recommendations. If you think a book should be put on that month's display, or you'd like to submit a review to go on our blog, please drop us a line at library@jcu.edu.au. Or you can add a comment to this blog or our Facebook page. Maybe take a photo of your book of choice and Tweet it to us, or tag us on Instagram...

Monthly Challenges

For those of you who like to plan ahead here are our themes for 2019:

  • January – “Geography and Travel”
  • February – “Fact and Fiction”
  • March – “Language and Literature”
  • April – “Religion and Philosophy”
  • May – “Sport and Recreation”
  • June – “Music and Art”
  • July – “Animals and Plants”
  • August – “Science and Mathematics”
  • September – “Family and Society”
  • October – “Health and Well-Being”
  • November – “Oceans and Rivers”
  • December – “History”
