How to Enable Remote Access to Library Resources

Having trouble accessing your readings from Reserve Online or LearnJCU? From off-campus, through their own internet service providers, students and staff of James Cook University may obtain online access to University subscribed publications, indexes and abstracts via links from University web pages and via the library catalogue Tropicat.

Read these easy to follow instructions for enabling remote access.

This will take you to the online resources with remote access enabled. For the duration of the current session all resources will be available off campus where JCU has an active subscription. Once enabled for remote access you can go to the catalogue from the web pages or vice versa, you need only login for remote access once per session. A JCU username (login ID) and password will be required to enable access.

The full content of JCU online subscriptions is not available to the general public. The licences and agreements which permit use of these resources require that users read and observe the terms and conditions of use as published on the web sites of the publications concerned.
