Are you aware that you can check your print jobs from the GATCF computers, without having to go to a print release station?
Simply go to and log in like you normally would.
You can also get to this page by looking in the Favourites (in IE) or Bookmarks (in Firefox) tabs when logged into a GATCF computer.
You can't print from this screen unless you are sitting in one of the computer labs which don't have a print release station, but you can preview your jobs and delete them if you want to.
It's a way of making sure your jobs are exactly what you're after before you head over to the printer - and it could save you time and money.
Simply go to and log in like you normally would.
You can also get to this page by looking in the Favourites (in IE) or Bookmarks (in Firefox) tabs when logged into a GATCF computer.
You can't print from this screen unless you are sitting in one of the computer labs which don't have a print release station, but you can preview your jobs and delete them if you want to.
It's a way of making sure your jobs are exactly what you're after before you head over to the printer - and it could save you time and money.