Two of our databases, ScienceDirect and Scopus, will be unavailable between 7.30pm Saturday 2 August to 3.30pm Sunday 3 August while undergoing upgrades.
The administrators of these databases have informed us that Email Alerts and RSS feeds will not post during this down time, but have assured us that they will still be created and will be posted as soon as the upgrades are completed and the systems are up and running again.
We apologise for any inconvenience this might cause. Many science journals will still be available through the Web of Science, CSA, Proquest and Ovid databases.
The administrators of these databases have informed us that Email Alerts and RSS feeds will not post during this down time, but have assured us that they will still be created and will be posted as soon as the upgrades are completed and the systems are up and running again.
We apologise for any inconvenience this might cause. Many science journals will still be available through the Web of Science, CSA, Proquest and Ovid databases.