Endnote Training

Introductory EndNote workshops covering:
  • Introduction to EndNote
  • Cite while you write: how EndNote interacts with word
  • Importing references using filter files and connection files
There will be two demonstration sessions for students who want an overview of Endnote and one hands on training session for students who want to practice. For the demonstration sessions feel free to bring along your laptop and follow the trainer.

IDEAL FOR: All students

FACILITATED BY: Information & Research Support

  • Tuesday 16 th September 2pm (demonstration)
  • Wednesday 17 th September 9am-12pm (hands on session)
  • Thursday 18 th September 11am (demonstration)
  • Infohelp Training Room, Ground floor – Library (Tue & Thur session)
  • HX107 – Computer lab (Wed hands on session)
RSVP: Booking required for hands-on session (email: Andrew.Stacey@jcu.edu.au)
