Researching your Assignment Workshops - Last week!

Improve your research skills in your specific area of study
  • Social Sciences
  • Business/Tourism
  • Science
  • Health
These sessions will guide you through the process of accessing and searching the library’s journal databases for subject specific information. We will also look at how to find additional resources from the internet for your assignments and what search strategies will help you find high quality articles.

Workshop times:
  • Social Sciences
    Monday 16 March 2pm & Wednesday 18 March 12noon
  • Business/Tourism
    Tuesday 17 March 2pm & Thursday 19 March 10am\
  • Science
    Tuesday 17 March 11am & Wednesday 18 March 3pm
  • Health
    Tuesday 17 March 10am & Thursday 19 March 3pm

VENUE: InfoHelp Training Room, Ground floor - Library (Townsville)
