Transfer of Copy Card Balances

James Cook University introduced CopyPrint, an integrated student copying and printing service, at the beginning of Study Period 1 2009. This system uses the JCU student ID card for copying and printing at the Townsville and Cairns campuses.

CopyPrint replaces the Copying Services copy card (copying) and LabPrint (printing).

If you are a JCU undergraduate student with a copy card which has been used since 1 August 2008 (Study Period 2, 2008), and with a balance of $5.00 or more, you may be eligible to have the balance on your copy card transferred to your CopyPrint account for copying and printing services.

JCU postgraduate students and staff may also be eligible to have copy card balances transferred to their CopyPrint account for copying services only.

To see if you are eligible, please visit CopyPrint Services on the ground floor of the Mabo Library in Townsville, or Library Services on the ground floor of the Cairns Library by 30 April 2009. You will need to present your copy card and your JCU Student ID card. Library staff will also need your JCU login ID.

No transfer requests will be accepted after 30 April 2009.
