JCU library is offering expert training for staff and postgraduate students in using the Web of Knowledge to enhance their research. Steven Werkheiser – visiting Thomson Reuters’ trainer from Sydney will be presenting.
Monday April 27
Room B1.104 Library Building
Tuesday April 28
Eastern Group Room, top floor, Mabo Library
Session content:
Journal Citation Reports and Essential Science Indicators
Times: Cns 1300-1350; Tsv 0900-0950
Times: Cns 1400-1500; Tsv 1000-1100
Times: Cns 1500-1530; Tsv 1100-1130
Monday April 27
Room B1.104 Library Building
Tuesday April 28
Eastern Group Room, top floor, Mabo Library
Session content:
Journal Citation Reports and Essential Science Indicators
Times: Cns 1300-1350; Tsv 0900-0950
- Five-year Impact Factor – A longer time span provides you with more accurate trends
- Impact Factor “boxplots” and Rank-in-Category Tables – Visualize Impact Factor and how a journal ranks in different and/or multiple categories
- See how journal self-citations affect Impact Factor
- Eigenfactor, a metric that uses citing journal data from the entire JCR file to reflect the prestige and citation influence of journals by considering scholarly literature as a network of journal-to-journal relationships
Times: Cns 1400-1500; Tsv 1000-1100
- Recent enhancements to the Web of Knowledge platform including searchable funding data
- The new Conference Papers Citation Index – Science, and Social Science & Humanities, and how this effects citation counts within the Web of Science
- Citation map feature providing graphical display of an article's backward and forward citations
- EndNote Web and how sharing can enhance collaboration among researchers
- ResearcherID allowing researchers to manage their publications and access citation metrics
Times: Cns 1500-1530; Tsv 1100-1130
- Look at detailed BIOSIS indexing available through the Web of Knowledge interface
- Unique Refine and Analyze fields