Finding More on the Web Sessions

Most people reckon they are pretty good at finding stuff on the Web. Most people are fooling themselves. Come along and find out your fool-factor at this semester's Finding More on the Web sessions.

If you ever use search engines like Google to find information, this session will improve your success rate, guaranteed! (If you don't, come along anyway and discover what you are missing)

This 50 minute presentation from Information & Research Support is Amazing! Amusing! Empowering! and it's useful for everyone - academics, researchers, general & technical staff, students.

Find the guaranteed best ways to lose weight, stop hair loss and perform brain surgery for fun and profit. Plus improve your research out of sight.

No booking is necessary - just turn up at the Mabo Library Training Room (Townsville) on the ground floor (just behind the newspaper area) at
  • 10am, Tuesday 4th August
  • 3pm, Thursday 6th August
On Tuesday we will look in depth at searching for web sites
On Thursday we will give an abridged version of Tuesday so I can spend time on Google Scholar and Google Book.
