Infohelp Training

This week in library land, it's all about referencing!
We will show you how to do it properly and how to use an online service called Endnote Web that will help you manage your references with ease, even inserting them into your Word documents in the correct style!

If you are working hard on assignments about now, our Infohelp sessions could be just the ticket towards turning in higher quality work for assessment.

Good references are the most powerful tools you can use for your assignments. Learn how to use them effectively, lay them out correctly using different styles, cite them in text and put together a great reference list.

Endnote Web can add to your toolbox by helping you collect and organise your references and then cite them in your writing.

InfoHelp Tutorials are free and all students are welcome to attend. See full details and session times for Townsville and Cairns.

Sessions starting Week Four 16th August:

  • Referencing styles
  • Introduction to Endnote Web
Find out why, when and where to attend

  • Introduction to Endnote Web
  • Referencing
  • Look for different sessions for:

    • APA & Harvard

    • Footnotes

    • Medicine & Dentistry

Find out why, when and where to attend
