Possible Network Issues Today

We have been informed that, due to the effect of the floods in south Queensland, the AARNet cables providing Internet connectivity to the University may be compromised.

Our secondary link via Toowoomba is unavailable, and our primary link via Brisbane is in a vulnerable position and may be damaged.

Should this happen, staff and students on campus will be unable to access the Internet (which means they also will not be able to access the Library Blogs, the eJournals or LibGuides) and many of the University systems. Staff and students on campus may not be able to connect to their emails unless they have a 3G enabled smart phone or tablet.

Staff and Students off campus will not be able to access any of the University systems, but may still be able to read pages that are not on the University site, such as this blog and the LibGuides. They may be able to access some resources from the LibGuides, but many will be unavailable. Email should be unaffected for staff and students off campus.

We are also expecting some fluctuations to the network as a result of the extreme weather currently affecting the state.
