Shed some light on Census night

The 2011 Census of Population and Housing will be taking place on the night of Tuesday 9 August. The Census aims to count the number of people in Australia, their key characteristics, and the dwellings in which they live, and is conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) once every five years.

During the Census every household and person in the country is required to answer specific questions on the paper form or through eCensus online. The Census is important as it underpins Australia’s democracy and is crucial to communities, private institutions and all levels of government when planning infrastructure, community services and facilities where you live. All information collected through the Census is strictly private and confidential. No one outside of the ABS (including other Government agencies) will ever see your Census responses, and no individuals or households can be identified in Census results or data.

For more information about the Census, see Census of Population and Housing.
