ResearchOnline@JCU: The JCU institutional repository

ResearchOnline@JCU provides online access to publications and other research outputs by JCU researchers. There are also many other benefits e.g.:
  • Wide and rapid dissemination 
  • Perpetual access to publications, even if online journals or conference websites are inaccessible or no longer available 
  • Single links to publications by an author or School 
  • Citation advantage – many articles claim Open Access publications have a citation advantage because they are more likely to be read and therefore more likely to be cited. 
What can be loaded to ResearchOnline@JCU? Any publications by JCU authors, either during or prior to their appointment to JCU.

How do I deposit to ResearchOnline@JCU? Use the step-by-step ResearchOnline@JCU deposit guide.
