EndNote X5

EndNote X5 is now available. CDs can be borrowed from the Library loans desk in Townsville and Cairns, and the new version will also be available for download from the Web in the near future – see Getting Started in our EndNote LibGuide.

EndNote X5 has some useful new features, including:

Add and Transfer File Attachments to the Web
EndNote X5 users can access file attachments and figures within their EndNote Web records. File attachments can be added directly to an EndNote Web record or transferred between a local library and the Web to see the same reference detail in both environments. EndNote X5 users will also receive increased Web storage for up to 25,000 references and 1GB for their file attachments.

View and Annotate PDF files within EndNote
A new PDF viewer joins the “Quick Edit” tab in EndNote X5, enabling users to review an attached PDF and edit a record in one place. The PDF viewer makes it easy to navigate between multiple attachments as well as annotate the file with highlights and comments. Users can search the entire PDF including comments and use many familiar options common to PDF viewing.

Update References Automatically
Existing references can now be updated easily with a new option that lets EndNote search online for more complete reference detail. When a match is found, EndNote highlights the differences in a side-by-side comparison of the new and existing reference. Users can decide whether to update the empty fields only, replace all the fields, or copy-and-paste specific information. While any field can be updated, the new feature saves time for existing references that now require article identifiers such as PMCID and NIHMSID numbers for grant submissions.
