EndNote Training July 2013

The Library is conducting EndNote training and you are invited to attend.

With the computer program EndNote, you can create a personal library of references to articles, books and other materials you have collected during your research. References from your library can be inserted into a word document. EndNote will create an in-text citation for the reference and the reference list entry at the end of the document in whatever style of referencing you are required to use. In this workshop you will learn the basics of using EndNote X6.

EndNote X6 is available to download from the Library website – go to http://libguides.jcu.edu.au/endnote

Townsville (no bookings required)
·         Tues 9 Jul from 11am – 12.30pm  in 18.002A (iLearning1)
·         Wed 10 Jul from  11am – 12.30pm  in 18.002A (iLearning1)
·         Thurs 11 Jul from 11am – 12.30pm  in 18.002A (iLearning1)

Cairns (please book your place at this workshop)
·         Wed 10 July from 10-11.30am in B1.104
·         Thurs  11 July from 2-3:30pm in B1.104

These sessions are recommended for postgraduate students and academics.
