2014 July O-week in the Mabo library Townsville: The fun bits tours & free candy

The fun, exciting part of O week is in full swing with Library Tours happening and Chupa Chump lollypops being handed out as questions get answered at the Townsville InfoHelp desk about workshops.

Come get help and a lolly.
The Townsville Library O-week organiser Claire Ovaska  and librarian for Department of Psychology and the Department of Humanities is out directing our Infohelp Rovers and Student Mentors to do tours of the library.

Claire Ovaska overseeing tours and student mentor Stephen.
Even the Student Centre is over here this week to print Student ID cards for our new students. You need a card so you can borrow books and get into the 24 hour Information Commons after hours. You will find them by entering from the East side of the library building. Just follow the arrows
Student IDs are getting made. Enter at the east side.
