Improvements to Find It @ JCU Launched in Lecture Recess

What is Find It @ JCU?

It is JCU's link resolver it uses DOI and OpenURL to link citations from any source to the full text at any epublishing platform the Library has subscribed to. You use it when you click on the Find It @ JCU button or a Find It @ JCU Library link.

Exemplar Find It @ JCU button

You can even configure Endnote to use it to download full text of your libraries.

Why make changes?

There are two reasons for this change, one is about making options easily available to you when it doesn't work as expected, and the second is to make it work as expected more often.

What is Changing?

The Helper frame is moving and growing

The little bar that sits across the top of the article that has the message "Article not displaying? Completely lost? Need help?" which is a link to information about alternative sources of the article and a 'Get Help' form.

Old helper frame at top
Current/Old version

Usability tests show that many users do not notice the helper frame, an even if they see it they don't consider it as an option to help them.

The new helper frame displays to the right of the item and provides links to alternative sources as well as a 'Report a Problem' form link.  The helper frame is easily minimised by clicking on the arrow icon, or removed by clicking the cross icon.

New Find It with Side helper frame
Coming/New Version

Linking to Full Text More Reliable

The hidden improvement is that Find It will now tap into One Search's IEDL (Indexed Enhanced Direct Linking for about 0.5 billion articles) - normal OpenURL linking is thought to be effective about 80% of the time (due to technical limitations on publisher platforms). DOI a little more reliable (depending on publisher ability to update links) but IEDL is about 99% accurate as it harvests the link to full text at the same time it indexes the article, rather than use an intermediary technology that attempts to construct a link to the full text from bibliographic data.

We've scheduled the change to happen overnight on Monday, the 29th of September. No downtime is expected during the transition.
