What can you do when you can't open your readings in LearnJCU?

Occasionally students can't open a subject reading or view a lecture recording in LearnJCU. InfoHelp staff recommend checking LearnJCU's Known Issues webpage for recommended solutions and workarounds. A summary of a current issue where some students web browsers are blocking readings and recordings is below:

Click on a reading and get a blank screen or the download doesn't happen

Accessing subject readings via Firefox or Chrome inside LearnJCU may cause some problems with viewing PDFs. A solution is to click on the shield icon and disable protection on the page.
Firefox browser

Chrome browser

If you are having trouble accessing Library resources and services please contact InfoHelp.


Unknown said…
Funny thing happened. When I clicked on the 'known issues' link, I got a message saying 'Page not found'
Anonymous said…
what if you're on a Mac?
Nathan said…
Hi, we have noticed you have commented on an older post. This post was in 2015. The link is dead as this information url may have changed.

Similar information should still be availible here in LearnJCU. Similar issue do still occur. The library does not manage LearnJCU but we can assist in most case with readings.

Macs user can download and install Chrome and Firefox browsers as well which we have those solutions for. Safari however does not seem to have this known issue with readings as there is no workaround mentioned.

Don't forget you can chat to the library via our chat service.