One Search Enhancements

One Search is constantly being tweaked - more content is added, existing content improved and search, save, and full text access functions improved. Today the latest round of enhancements is live and includes:
  • Known item search enhancements: when looking for a specific item and uses a combination of fields, this improvement to relevance should ensure returning the result in the top 10 (if not the top 5) results; fields used include: title, subtitle, author, publication title (for journal article), edition (for book/eBook), publication year
  • Persistent link availability: you can now copy or bookmark links in Summon and these links will allow for long-term support of linking to the content
  • Full text boost: ensures full text links are shown when linking to content when there is both full text and citation availability.
  • Support for exporting citations to EasyBib
Also included within this release are improvements to enhance accessibility and translations. On the administrative side the Library will be able to
  • Customise error messages
  • Embed Chat in One Search
  • Fast track management of 'Best Bets'
Best Bets lets us add library informational content to One Search in response to your queries that we identify as specifically JCU related rather than intended as a search of research literature so, as an example, if you search for library opening hours you will see JCU Library's opening hours.
If you experience any difficulties with One Search please let us know.
