Featured database: MLA database

The MLA International Bibliography database provides a subject index resources published on modern languages, literature, folklore, and linguistics, and indexes over 66,000 books and articles each year.

Content includes:
  • Global coverage - Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South America 
  • Folklore is represented by folk literature, music, art, rituals, and belief systems
  • Linguistics and language materials range from history and theory of linguistics, comparative linguistics, semantics, stylistics, and syntax to translation
  • Other topics include:
    • Literary theory and criticism, dramatic arts (film, radio, television, theatre), and history of printing and publishing 
    • Aesthetics, human behaviour, communication, and information processes relating to human language or literature
  • Diverse media - oral, in print, or in audiovisual media and on human language, including both natural languages and invented languages (e.g., Esperanto)
  • Teaching of language, literature, and rhetoric and composition at the college level
