The Revolution in Academic Publishing: what you need to know

JCU Library and Information Services is hosting the following seminar next Friday, 19th June.

The Internet is transforming academic publishing. This includes the process of publishing, how publications can be shared, and how you can use, comment and build on existing published works.

If you are a JCU researcher and an author, reviewer or editor in academic publishing, you really need to come along to this presentation.

Topics that will be covered include Open Access publishing, publishing ethics, and why you should consider new publishing models.

The presenter, Dr Virginia Barbour is the recently appointed Executive Officer of the Australian Open Access Support Group. Dr Barbour has a long history of working in open access publishing, having joined PLOS in 2004 as one of the three founding editors of PLOS Medicine, finally becoming Medicine and Biology Editorial Director of PLOS in 2014. Her training in publishing was at The Lancet where she worked before joining PLOS.

Dr Barbour studied Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge, then medicine at UCL and Middlesex Hospitals, London, specializing in haematology.  Her DPhil was on alpha globin gene regulation at the University of Oxford. She undertook post-doctoral work at St Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.

Dr Barbour is Chair of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). She has been involved in a number of reporting guidelines including CONSORT, PRISMA  and TIDieR statements. She is an advisor to a number of publishing and ethics initiatives and is on the steering group of the AllTrials initiative. She has an academic title as Professor at Griffith University, Queensland and is also an honorary Professor at the University of Queensland.

Seminar Details

Date: Friday, 19 June 2015
Time: 11 am – 12 noon
Townsville - DA009:2 (Audio Visual Services room 002)
Cairns – A21.001 (Teaching Annex) (videoconferenced)
