ClinicalKey is a clinical search engine that supports the clinical decision requirements of medical and
healthcare professionals. It is fast, complete, convenient, and a trusted medical source. James Cook University Library is pleased to continue its subscription to ClinicalKey, providing students and staffwith easy access to current medical information in a variety of formats.
offers you and your institution access to Elsevier's current medical and
surgical content including:
- Full-text medical and surgical books and journals
- First Consult point-of-care monographs
- Customizable patient education handouts
- Drug monographs from Australian Medicines Handbook
- Thousands of videos, including those from Procedures Consult
- Millions of images that can be used in your presentations
- Practice guidelines
- Fully indexed MEDLINE
In addition, your Search results can be refined to search only Australian content if required.
Go to the JCU Databases page of the James Cook University Library website to find ClinicalKey and numerous other Databases provided to students and staff of James Cook University.
A User Guide is provided to enhance your use of this product.
Available on campus or from off-campus locations.