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JCU has a curriculum collection to support undergraduates in the University's Education program. The curriculum collection enables students to create lessons plans for use during students Professional Experience placement. These titles include non-fiction and fiction works that you would find in a school library, such as items from the Children's Book Council of Australia Awards shortlist. Our curriculum collection is located separate from the main collection so please ask at the Library InfoHelp desk for directions.
The 2015 short list contains titles like:
JCU has a curriculum collection to support undergraduates in the University's Education program. The curriculum collection enables students to create lessons plans for use during students Professional Experience placement. These titles include non-fiction and fiction works that you would find in a school library, such as items from the Children's Book Council of Australia Awards shortlist. Our curriculum collection is located separate from the main collection so please ask at the Library InfoHelp desk for directions.
The 2015 short list contains titles like:
- Rivertime by Trace Balla. Call number: 820.94 BAL (T)
- Fire by Jackie French and Bruce Whatley. Call number: 820.94 FREN
- Go to sleep, Jessie! by Libby Gleeson and Freya Blackwood. Call number: 820.94 GLE
- A house of her own by Jenny Hughes and illustrated by Jonathan Bentley. Call number: 820.94 HUG(J)
- Snail and Turtle are friends by Stephen Michael King. Call number: 820.94 KING
- The stone lion by Margaret Wild and illustrator, Ritva Voutila. Call number: 820.94 WILD