Trying to
find a reading that your lecturer mentioned and can’t find it on LearnJCU?
Heard that
a reading was on "Reserve Online" but don’t know what it is or where to find it?
ReserveOnline is JCU's central repository for past exam papers and e-learning
resources (such as required readings, music and moving images like DVDs, broadcasts,
etc.) listed on subject outlines. These items are hosted
on the JCU streaming media server and made available in LearnJCU.
Online can also be accessed from the Library’s homepage, under the heading Readings and Past Exams.
We usually
suggest choosing the basic search option and searching by subject code (for
example BA1001) but Reserve Online can also be searched by author, title and keywords,
so try these searches if you can’t find your readings with your subject code.
As always,
if you need help finding resources please do not hesitate to contact the
InfoHelp team in person or by chat and email.