There have been a couple of changes in the following titles which the JCU Library subscribes to -
- Australian Concrete Construction and Municipal Engineering Australia have merged. The new title is Construction Engineering Australia which is broader in scope. If you are browsing the shelves, you will now find the new title at 624.0994 P1.
- The Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales have now published their regular cases from the Queen’s Bench, Chancery and Family Divisions of the High Court and Court of Appeal, combined in one monthly volume under the title Law Reports [Monthly parts]. The new volumes have been located to 348.4204 P7(A).
- Scientriffic and Helix magazines have merged into the new Double Helix magazine. The first issue of Double Helix was published in July 2015 and it is now located in our Curriculum collection at 500 P112.
- Practically Primary is now continued by Practical literacy: the early and primary years is shelved at 372.1 P8.