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An eBook title of interest this week is:
CVs, Resumes, and LinkedIn : A Guide to Professional English by Adrian Wallwork
An extract from the publisher's website states:
Are you a graduate, postgraduate or PhD student? Are you simply looking for a new job in the private or public sector, in research or industry? If your aim is to produce a professional CV or resume, then this book is for you. Based on interviews with recruiters and HR managers, and an analysis of hundreds of CVs from around 40 different countries, the book is structured as a series of FAQs.
An eBook title of interest this week is:
CVs, Resumes, and LinkedIn : A Guide to Professional English by Adrian Wallwork
An extract from the publisher's website states:
Are you a graduate, postgraduate or PhD student? Are you simply looking for a new job in the private or public sector, in research or industry? If your aim is to produce a professional CV or resume, then this book is for you. Based on interviews with recruiters and HR managers, and an analysis of hundreds of CVs from around 40 different countries, the book is structured as a series of FAQs.