New Book Recommendation: Australia's Role in Feeding the World: The Future of Australian Agriculture
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An eBook title of interest is:
Australia's Role in Feeding the World: The Future of Australian Agriculture by Tor Hundloe, Sarah Blagrove and Hannah Ditton.
An extract from the publisher's website states:
Earth's human population currently exceeds 7 billion, and by the year 2050 our planet will have at least two billion more mouths to feed. When faced with providing food for so many people, the idea is often advanced that Australia will become the 'food bowl' of Asia. Australia currently grows enough food to feed about three times its population and agricultural exports are important to our economy; however, Australia's role in feeding the world needs careful consideration.
An eBook title of interest is:
Australia's Role in Feeding the World: The Future of Australian Agriculture by Tor Hundloe, Sarah Blagrove and Hannah Ditton.
An extract from the publisher's website states:
Earth's human population currently exceeds 7 billion, and by the year 2050 our planet will have at least two billion more mouths to feed. When faced with providing food for so many people, the idea is often advanced that Australia will become the 'food bowl' of Asia. Australia currently grows enough food to feed about three times its population and agricultural exports are important to our economy; however, Australia's role in feeding the world needs careful consideration.