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A book title of interest is:
Leading & managing occupational therapy services / Brent Braveman.
Call number: 362.178068 BRA 2016
An extract from the publisher's website states:
Put theory and research into practice for real-world success. Here’s your introduction to the use of theory, research, and evidence in guiding your practice as an occupational therapy manager. From leadership and supervision to policies, program development, and continuous quality improvement, you’ll find complete coverage of the full range of issues and functions managers encounter in the real worlds in which they practice. Whatever your role, the practical knowledge and the guidance you’ll find here will help you become a more effective OT, colleague, and manager.
A book title of interest is:
Leading & managing occupational therapy services / Brent Braveman.
Call number: 362.178068 BRA 2016
An extract from the publisher's website states:
Put theory and research into practice for real-world success. Here’s your introduction to the use of theory, research, and evidence in guiding your practice as an occupational therapy manager. From leadership and supervision to policies, program development, and continuous quality improvement, you’ll find complete coverage of the full range of issues and functions managers encounter in the real worlds in which they practice. Whatever your role, the practical knowledge and the guidance you’ll find here will help you become a more effective OT, colleague, and manager.