JCU Library has subscribed to many CSIRO publications over the years and with the close collaboration of both institutions regionally, many of their journals will be relevant to your area of scientific study or research. We currently subscribe to over 25 titles, all accessible from our Databases pages. Find a journal there of interest to you.
And for the Education students amongst you, don't overlook our Curriculum collection. The popular CSIRO children's magazine title, Double Helix is available there. This magazine is the result of the 2015 merger of the two CSIRO magazines Scientriffic and The Helix. Both of these earlier titles encouraged Australian school children, for over thirty years, to learn and experiment with science in a fun way. The new title continues the tradition.
We recommend you try these in your teaching practice or just to borrow for your own children. With the growing emphasis on STEM subjects, what better way is there to encourage both boys and girls into the field, in the spirit of true inquiry? A little factoid in the March issue mentions the side effects of sleeplessness on fruit flies and mice and asks of the reader: 'Are you human?...Aim for 9-12 hours of sleep every day.' Something we could all be mindful at this time of semester.
Look inside the March 2017 issue for the whole picture! |