You won't believe this technique to avoid fake news!

"Fake news" - it's the new catchphrase being thrown around by everyone, but how do you know when news is fake and when it's just news?

One of the simplest ways to ensure the news you're accessing is reliable, is through the source. JCU Library subscribes to NewsBank, a comprehensive news collection database, providing access for JCU users to newspapers from Australia and around the world. Access your news through NewsBank, and avoid the click-bait titles that are rife across social media. Sources are vetted by NewsBank before being included in the database. The aggregation of thousands of sources means you can access a variety of viewpoints with a single search.

But you've already found a resource and read the article, you say? It's important to be able to analyse information objectively to determine the weight you should place upon it. Head on over to JCU Library's own 'fake news' guide, News Makers/News Fakers to learn about different varieties of fake news including disinformation, hoaxes, clickbait and native advertising and how to identify fakes yourself.
