Formatting: Microsoft training resources

So, you have written that assignment and are doing your final proof and editing. You discover; all your writing is different fonts and sizes; you are using APA referencing style and the reference list is supposed to have hanging indents; that page number one has to start on the second page.

The library can help by directing you to some resources to teach yourself how to use Microsoft Word better, Powerpoint, even Excel.

Our first recommendation would be log on to and do a quick search for a training video. The great advantage of training videos is they have a transcript that are searchable and link to the same part of the video. You just log in with your JC number and regular password.

In general though, as long as you know what you are looking for you can use the help feature on Word itself. Library staff often help students figure out the term to look up. My favourite are keyboard shortcuts that help people quickly do things like cut and copy, italicise, bold, undo mistakes, hanging indents which help proof and edit quicker.
