New Book Recommendation:

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A book title of interest is:
Predictive modeling with SAS® Enterprise MinerTM: Practical solutions for business applications by Kattamuri S. Sarma.
Call Number: 005.55 SAR

An extract from the book summary states:
Kattamuri Sarma's Predictive Modeling with SAS® Enterprise MinerTM: practical solutions for business applications, third edition will show you how to develop and test predictive models quickly using SAS Enterprise Miner. Using real-world data, this book explains complex methods in a simple and practical way to readers from different backgrounds and industries. Incorporating the latest version of SAS Enterprise Miner, this third edition also expands the section on time series analysis. Written for business analysts, data scientists, statisticians, students, predictive modelers, and data miners, this comprehensive text provides examples that will strengthen your understanding of the essential concepts and methods of predictive modeling. 
