More than 10,000 journals are now listed on Cabells Blacklist

Cabells Scholarly Analytics have updated the number of blacklisted or predatory journals in the publishing world. If you are looking for a quality peer-reviewed journal for research or publication, this respected resource is one tool to use.  Journals from all around the world are evaluated for their academic strength and rated by their citation use.

Cabells Whitelist have the preferred journals in a specific discipline to select for your work, while their Blacklist is useful as a guide for those titles to be wary of using.

Journal information includes scope, summaries, disciplines covered,whether the journal has open access material, citation metrics, and approximate charges for publishing and more.
The advanced search functionality allows for selecting specific country of origin, by publisher and whether the journal has open access content.

More information on metrics and publishing your research can also be found in our library's Publishing academic research libguide. Come in and talk to our friendly librarians for assistance.
