World Access to Higher Education Day - 28 November

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The inaugural World Access to Higher Education Day will be held on Wednesday 28 November. The day seeks to raise awareness of inequalities in access and success in higher education, and act as a catalyst for international, regional and local action.

Consider the following factors that directly affect access to, and completion of a university degree:
  • 14% of Australian households are not connected to the internet
  • 50,000 students will ‘drop out’of Australian universities this year, leaving the institution with no degree and an average student debt of $12,000 (Grattan Institute, 2018).
  • 10 years is the average time taken to repay the HELP component of a university degree. This does not cover costs such as textbooks, housing, food, or other bills (Grattan Institute, 2015).
UNESCO has recognised the importance of access to higher education by making equal access to education, including university, one of its Global Goals for 2030.

The University of Southern Queensland (USQ) is holding an event,
Is Australian higher education addressing, or contributing to, access inequalities? on 28 November.You can join some sessions which will be streamed live online.

Learn more about inequality in higher education via the JCU library catalogue.
