Good Health and Wellbeing: JCU Kicking (Sustainable Development) Goals health and well-being is central to the prosperity, sustainability and stability of human communities in the Tropics.

The third United Nations Sustainability Development Goal of "Good Health and Well-Being" is a key research focus at JCU.

On the 27th June this year, the JCU State of the Tropics team released the following report:

Health in the Tropics - State of the Tropics report 2019 report takes stock of the current and historical status of health and wellbeing across different regions of the Tropics. It presents a broad ranging, statistical analysis of a set of indicators relating to health, based on data collated from existing datasets from several authoritative, multi-lateral sources including United Nations agencies, The World Bank, and World Health Organization. This report considers infectious disease, non-communicable disease, maternal and child health, mental Illness, substance abuse, and accident and injury. It also explores the health workforce in the Tropics.

Many researchers and discipline areas at JCU support research with a focus on this Sustainable Development Goal. Read more about how the
AITHM (Australian Institute of Tropical Health & Medicine) has research programs focussed across three broad themes:

Diseases of high burden in the Tropics

Tropical health security

Tropical health systems
