Asbestos Mitigation in the Eddie Koiki Mabo Library Building

An asbestos mitigation project is being undertaken in the north-eastern end of the top floor of the Eddie Koiki Mabo Library building.

The journals and shelving in that space have been cleared, and workers are preparing to remove asbestos containing materials via the north-eastern fire escape. The space will be refurbished after the asbestos remediation has been completed.

For some of this time, parts of the Eddie Koiki Mabo Library building will be inaccessible.

Access to the entire 2nd floor of the Mabo Library will be out of bounds (for all staff and students) from Monday 25 November until Friday 6th December.

All power is going to be disconnected to this space while the asbestos mitigation is undertaken, and there will be no air conditioning, lights or power to this floor. Computers, office spaces and study areas on this floor will not be available for use by either staff or students.

Parts of the first floor at the eastern end, directly below where the work is to be carried out, will also be inaccessible.

Books held in these areas can be requested, and a member of the mitigation team will retrieve requested books at designated times each day.

The Information Commons will not be accessible from outside of the building after hours, and the outdoor kitchenette and seating areas will be unavailable while asbestos containing materials are being transported from the building in this area.

Students who need to study after hours can find nearby 24 hour computer spaces located in Building 34 (034.108) and Building 17 (017.035), and more options around campus can be found on the General Access Labs page. Kitchenette facilities are also available in the peer-to-peer spaces in Building 34 (034.011) and Building 4 (004.005), and the undercroft outside the Science Place (142.U001).

This project is being undertaken with strict WHS supervision, air monitoring will occur throughout, and evacuation procedures have been updated - although the project is considered to be low risk and we do not foresee any danger to staff or students if all instructions in the building are followed appropriately.

We thank you for your patience during this time, and hope you will enjoy the new study spaces when the work has been completed.
