ClinicalKey Student - Study Smarter, Not Harder!

ClinicalKeyStudent: Nursing & Midwifery and ClincalKey Student: Medicine
helps medical students to learn smarter, with access to hundreds of acclaimed textbooks, powerful study tools and a library of video resources. The service is on trial use at James Cook University until 30 June 2020. 

1.   Create your account

  • Log in using your existing ClinicalKey, ScienceDirect, Scopus or other Elsevier credentials

2.  Dive right in

  • Begin typing in the search bar to get started. AutoSuggest provides related medical ideas and topic pages
  • Filter by type to view related book or image content
  • Narrow search results by specialty to identify content
  • Deep dive into quick access summary to quickly get to grips with keymedical conditions

3.   Build your own book shelf

  • Add a book to “Bookshelf “ from inside a chapter of a book
  • Share your notes with other students

4.   Learn on the GO!

  • Download the ClinicalKey Bookshelf and app from within your institution’s network, available for iOS and Android 

 As always, we would love to hear your thoughts about ClinicalKey Student and other resources available from the Library. Please leave your feedback in the comments below or via email to
