National Reconciliation Week 2020: 27 May – 3 June #InThisTogether2020

This week is National Reconciliation Week and the theme is “In this together”. The National Reconciliation Week website lists 20 ways to be in this together.

On our Indigenous Studies Guide we share some links to some media outlets that focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander news and current events, tv, music, film and other items of interest.  Some of them are produced, operated or controlled by Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations or staff. Exposing ourselves to new content and ideas can also help us to be “in this together”.

We love the idea of the virtual book club. We have a few of these titles available in our library, including Archie Roach’s book “Tell me why: the story of my life and my music”.

Here is Archie Roach singing “We won’t cry” with Uncle Jack Charles.
