It's Exam Plan Week! Join us online and in person for events and activities to assist with study and wellbeing techniques leading into the exam period, including:
Student Study Hacks - Meet with our rovers and peer advisors in this online event for their tips on prepping for exams from a student's perspective and share your tips with the group.
When: Tuesday, 13 October, 2:00pm
Learn to Juggle online
When: Friday, 16 October, from 10:00am
Exam Plan Top Tips - Add you own top tip to the Exam Plan padlet wall and go into the draw to win one of three JCU 'exam survival' packs.
When: All week
Sausage Sizzle & Coffee Cart - If you're on campus in Townsville or Cairns, take a break from study and enjoy a sausage sizzle and drink on us.
When: Wednesday, 14 October, 10:00am-12:00pm
Discover and connect with these and more great Exam Plan Week activities at JCU Events.