Exam Plan Week

Mountain climbers helping each other
 It's Exam Plan Week! Join us online and in person for events and activities to assist with study and wellbeing techniques leading into the exam period, including:

Student Study Hacks - Meet with our rovers and peer advisors in this online event for their tips on prepping for exams from a student's perspective and share your tips with the group.

When: Tuesday, 13 October, 2:00pm

Learn to Juggle online

When: Friday, 16 October, from 10:00am

Exam Plan Top Tips - Add you own top tip to the Exam Plan padlet wall and go into the draw to win one of three JCU 'exam survival' packs.

When: All week

Sausage Sizzle & Coffee Cart - If you're on campus in Townsville or Cairns, take a break from study and enjoy a sausage sizzle and drink on us.

When: Wednesday, 14 October, 10:00am-12:00pm

Discover and connect with these and more great Exam Plan Week activities at JCU Events.
