Open Access Week October 19-25


Celebrate Open Access week at JCU Oct 19-25

What is Open Access? 

Open Access is the dissemination of scholarly and scientific literature, free of charge over the internet, to other researchers and anyone who might benefit from accessing the results of publicly funded research. Open Access communication of research outputs maximizes the distribution, potential usage and outcomes of research findings.
The Open Access movement is based on the philosophy that knowledge derived from public funding should be freely accessible for public use.

For writers, Open Access can make the difference between being cited and not cited. The easier it is to access a work, the more likely it is to be downloaded, read and cited. Increasingly, funding agencies are placing Open Access conditions on the publications resulting from research grants. For JCU researchers, minimum requirement is that a copy of the accepted version of an article is made freely available in your institution’s Repository, ResearchOnline@JCU.

Activities at JCU and beyond celebrating Open Access

Opportunities for JCU researchers to engage in Open Access activities include:

HDR OA Advocate Award: 
JCU Library and Information Services and the Graduate Research School are pleased to announce the inaugural “HDR Open Access Advocate” competition.
  • Open to all JCU Higher Degree by Research candidates
  • Answer the question, “Why I support Open Access in research”
  • Text, tweet, photograph, multimedia video, anything goes!
  • Make it short and sweet
  • First prize $200 book voucher
Submit your entry here. Go to the Open Access Week page of the Open Access library guide for more details.
The winning entry will be announced mid-November.

ECR Open Access Champion 2020 Award: 
JCU Library and Information Services is inaugurating the ECR Open Access Champion 2020 Award and will be presented to the early career researcher with the most open access publications over a two-year period, with demonstrated public impact. Data for this award will be gathered from a number of sources, including ResearchOnline@JCU

The winner will be announced in mid-November. 

OA week webinars: 
Do you want to learn more about Open Access publishing? The Australian Open Access Strategy Group are running daily webinars and workshops during Open Access week. Go to the Open Access Publishing library guide to register for each session. 

Who should attend: anyone who is planning to publish research are welcome to attend.


Featured Speaker

11am – 12noon AEST
2pm – 3 pm NZDT


11am – 12noon AEST
2pm – 3 pm NZDT

Monday 19 October

Preprints: a practical guide
Jessica Polka
Register here

Open and FAIR Research Practices
Register here

Tuesday 20th October

Communicating a pandemic
Siouxsie Wiles
Register here

Indigenous voices, indigenous research and open access
Register here

Wednesday 21st October

Beyond open access – what should our aims be for full accessibility
Alice Motion
Register here

Copyright and CC licensing for OA
Register here

Thursday 22nd October

Open Access and biodiversity
Siobhan Leachman
Register here

Connecting up open data via Wikidata
Register here

Friday 23rd October

Investing in the Infrastructure for Open
Kaitlin Thaney
Register here

Advocacy in the pandemic
Register here

For more detailed information on Open Access and the benefits to researchers visit the Open Access library guide

