
How to check if you have library fines

Summer movie: Spirited Away

The slab has been poured for Townsville Mabo Library's outdoor seating

Summer viewing: The Gods of Wheat Street

New items on display: Journals and magazines

Summer Reading: Next Semester Textbooks

Summer reading: Perfect Skin by Nick Earls

Google Scholar - temporarily without Find It @ JCU Library Links

Opening Hours: Semester Break 2014 November 21st to December 16th

Exam Tip: Prepare like a cheater

Journals, Periodicals and Newspapers: Latest Issues on Display

Great vacation viewing

New Resource: Modern Languages Online

Exam Tip: Look for Past Exams

New Outdoor Seating at the Mabo Library Townsville

Keep in touch with the library over the semester break.

Eddie Koiki Mabo Library added to the Townsville local heritage buildings' list

International Game Day: Are you a gamer or noob in the photos on JCU Library FaceBook?